Advertise with us

To further strengthen your online profile, why not advertise on Search4Members and get your company seen by buyers both here in the UK and overseas. Search4Members offers a range of advertising sizes to suit all budgets.

For companies without an internet presence, taking a paid listing on Search4Members is the easy way for buyers to find your contact details in whichever commercial sector or industry you work.

We offer:

• Bold Listing

• Large Page Advert

• Various Banner Positions

By purchasing a large page or banner advertisement, you will be able to maximise brand awareness and get key product messages across to prospective customers. Our expert Design team will ensure that your advertisement receives maximum prominence.

Download our .PDF Media Sample Pack

Choose an advert type:

Bold Listing

Bold listings are one of the least expensive yet very effective online advertising methods. Simple in format and containing all relevant contact details including company name, address, telephone number and website address. A Bold listing will be displayed above free listings

To book a Bold Listing:

Bold Listing example


0121 765 4144
11 The Swan Courtyard, Charles Edward Road, Yardley, Birmingham, B26 1BU

Large page Advert

A large page advert is given priority placement on the page above bold and free entries. They provide adequate space for companies to provide their contact details including email and web addresses together with company logo and a description/pictures of their products and services.


Please see ‘Find out more’ for example.

Large Page Advert Example


0121 765 4144

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec eget sodales nunc, eu volutpat ex. Aliquam pulvinar mi nisi, sed placerat purus iaculis vitae. Sed eu consequat dolor. Fusce pretium est eu ullamcorper tincidunt - Find out more

11 The Swan Courtyard, Charles Edward Road, Yardley, Birmingham, B26 1BU

Banner Advertisements

Banner advertisements are available in the directory and prominent positions within the site. These advertisements command immediate attention. They are therefore the prime positions to secure for those companies who wish to dominate their particular industry sector. In addition, a free large page is included within this promotional package to ensure priority display.

Advertise With Us

Preview banner sizes:

This is an example of a banner that would go in the 'header' bar at the top of the site

320 x 100px

This banner would appear in the side bar.

300 x 250px

This is a smaller banner that would also appear in the side bar.

125 x 125px

This is an example of a banner that would go in the 'footer' bar at the bottom of the site -

200 x 200px